The toilet/sink/shower combo

Peeing in the shower made easy

Peeing in the shower made easy

I am not a fan of peeing in the shower. In fact, I’ve had arguments with friends over the very matter. Yes, arguments. Some of my friends, and I will not name names, find going number one in the shower to be not only time saving, but somewhat fun. I find it gross and unsanitary. With a toilet right there in the bathroom with you, why not just take care of that business right before you step in the shower? It just doesn’t make sense to me.

One of the wonderful features of my apartment (besides be brand spanking new), is it’s pea-sized “washroom.” Want to take a shower? Just stand in front of the sink and crank the water on. Want to wash your hands? Just stand in the shower. Want to pee? Just stay in the shower, this bathroom’s got you covered. Now, when my pee-in-the-shower-loving friends come and visit me here in Korea, they can experience the exciting rush of peeing from the shower into the toilet. Might as well brush your teeth, scrub your armpits, and release any or all liquids you have in your body. Though I still think peeing in most showers is gross, peeing in mine is encouraged, as long as you make it in the toilet.

4 responses to “The toilet/sink/shower combo

  1. i find peeing in the shower exhilirating. urine is actually sterile, and has almost the same composition as sweat, so you can relax about the sanitation. its FARTING in the shower that you should be worried about. when you do that you spray fecal matter/particles all over the place. but i guess you don’t really have to worry about that either because it looks like you’ll be shitting in your shower too.

  2. PS just found a blog called fartingintheshower

  3. i think elise is confusing farting with sharting unless she doesn’t know the difference, in which case I hope she wears “oops I crapped my pants”

  4. NO Jon. i meant FARTING in the shower. these lovely bacteria filled packages normally just land in your pants. but in the shower you’re naked and they spray all over the place. there was a nightline or something special on this a few years ago and it makes sense.

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